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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  December 3, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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-- captions by vitac -- >p tomorr tomorrow on >p tomorr tomorrow 0 p.r p.p.m. easternp par alarmingp alarmingalarmingl by china. "ac 360" stashts now. tonig tonight breaking mp may knmay know what sen tthe tracks and four people to their deaths. tp the answthe answer ma th engineer, not equipment. whp what what it was like il walker die inned. > they whp what what it was like il walker die inned. > the thought this was a ded manp man's haman's hand aft dadays at thp days at tdaym manp man's haman's hand aft dadays at thp days at tda f ocean, why wouldn't it be?
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r it wit was p it was ththat time that deep in the wr we begin with the breaking news the new york train wreck that took the lives of four dozen and sent many to the hospitals. it came after investigators answered no alcohol involved they said. no sign of break trouble or malfunctioning signals or any mechanical problems that day. ruling all that out only tightened the focus on train enga near william rockefeller and his train going off the tracks 80 mile s an hour on a curve made for 30. that may have been the first inkling of why this happened and there is more tonight. it is breaking news. details from nick robertson who talked to mr. rockefeller's lawyer. >> reporter: the night before the accident mr. rockefeller had good sleep, he went to bed at 8:30 in the evening, woke up at 3:30 in the morning, reported to
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work after 5:00 in the morning and mr. rockefeller acknowledges he had a temporary loss of concentration just at that vital moment. that is why he's been heard to have said he was in a daze. the ntsb, of course, giving us more details about the investigation today. human error, william billy rockefeller's days increasingly the probable cause. his union representative says he was nodding off and caught himself too late. >> he's extremely distraught over it, and he feels for the families. i don't believe that in my opinion that anybody could ever -- could ever, ever make billy feel worse than he's making himself feel today, so, billy feels terrible. whether it was his fault or not his fault it's his train.
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>> reporter: having eliminated causes including signal failure, the reason falling upon william rockefeller jr., the enga near. >> they continue interviewing the members of the crew today. >> reporter: in the moments after the detailment rockefeller said going along and i'm in a daze, i don't know what happened. the ntsb say the ten-year veteran driver's houses were routi routine. he started at 5:00 a.m. in the morning. what time did he start prior to starting the 5:00 a.m. in the morning? >> i don't know the specific time he finished the shift but the day was a typical nine hch hour day and they were routine. >> reporter: so he would have sufficient time to get a full night sleep. >> there is every indication he would have time to get full
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restorative sleep. >> reporter: they say the eng e engineer is cooperating. >> he's a strong man and it takes a strong man to come down and be honest, and that's what billy is doing. >> reporter: on the question of the brakes, rockefeller claimed they didn't work at the time of the crash. >> we've determined that the metro north mechanical department performed a proper brake test prior to the accident train leaving the station, and there were no alom knees noted. based on this data, there is no indication the brake systems were not functioning properly. >> reporter: the facts, 82 miles per hour on a 30 per mile hour curve, the apart braking came to relsz disturbing. >> the numbers are disturbing. the question is why they were so high. what is known, rockefeller passed a breathalyzer and had not been using his cell phone in
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the minutes buefore the crash. his employer says he's innocent before disciplinary hearings are concluded. for now he's out of service, not being paid. >> so nick, i don't understand, just to clarify, the union rep is saying that nodded off, is his lawyer backing that up? >> reporter: his lawyer was backing that up. his lawyer was struggling for the words to describe what happened. this is the first time we heard from the lawyer trying to be definitive on this issue. he described it as a highway hypnosis, zoning out and this is what the union rep was describing. the rep said look, we've all been in that position. we've been driving for that moe men tarry lapse and the central reservation, the crash barrier in the middle of the road.
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he said we all experienced that. that's what they are getting at, that temporary moment where the concentration is lost. highway hypnosis is a terminology, i think we may hear more about with this, anderson. >> appreciate the update, thanks. joining us is michael bruce, sleep expert. do you buy that idea? there is a difference between highway hypnosis and nodding out. do you buy any of those? >> here is what i'm concerned with, anderson, we went to bed at 8:30 the night before and woke up 3:30. this particular engineer's rhythm, if his biological clock doesn't want him going to bed at a certain time and waking up at a certain time and he's forced to do so because he has to drive the train and he was placed on the schedule a day and a half before he had to commit to this schedule, it could have effects
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on him. was he zoning out? it was road hypnosis? he probably fell asleep. there is a great likelihood he could have fallen asleep doing this. if his biological clock wanted him to stay up later and he forced himself to sleep, how good of sleep could he have got snn. >> and applying the brakes be a short time before a full stop, that would seem to be more of a nodding out. >> if you're nodding out, it's happening for a second or two. i mean, my understanding is in this particular track, this is a pretty big hair pin turn, it's one thing you know about. this conductor is somebody who knows this turn is coming up. it's a sharp turn coming up. if i'm driving, right, and i know there is a sharp turn coming up, i'm going to perk up. it's coming up, i'm ready. i'm not dozing and nodding off chl i'm becoming more aware, not less aware. if i'm asleep, i can't become more aware.
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>> also, when i would image on a train track it's easier to get that hypnosis or fall asleep because it's not like you're driving a car, you're on a track. >> exactly. not only are you on a track, which doesn't -- and don't get me wrong, this is not an easy process. >> right, of course. >> engineering a train, this is not just something anybody can do. they are highly trained and use this machinery that not a common individual can do. you're on a track, this is constant noise, motion. think about an airplane. you hear a constant noise, you have a constant motion. how many people are asleep on the airplane when you fly around? a bunch of them. we have an interesting mixture of events. we have a gentleman forced to go to bed at 8:30 at night and wake up at 3:30 in the morning.
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we don't know his overall sleep schedule two nights before. what if he was going to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 6:30 like a normal person and put him into a situation where his environment is such that it's very sleep inducing. i'm in a closed environment. i got a closed temperature. i've got certain sounds and by the way, the thing i'm steering is on a track and moving at a fair cliff. >> what do you advice for somebody out there who has to work these hours or that may not be their natural rhythm? advice do you have? >> one of the first things we do for anybody that has a tendency to work a shift, stay on that shift, if possible when they are not on those hours. if he has to go to bed at 8:30 and wake up at 3:30 for this to be his shift, those are the hours he should keep when he's off that shift to keep that biological rhythm in the same stance. the other thing is light therapy. believe it or not. being able to have a certain
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amount of light there commercially available, light boxes you can have and lightb b lightbulbilightbul bulbs that are available that will give you the same sunlight you normally would have when it's dark or during the winter when we know there is a lot of cloud cover. >> that's interest sglg there are a lot of different things people can do to brighten themselves to reset that clock. >> appreciate your expertise. thank you. the kind of weather whiplash you expect in early december but cranked up to 11. temperatures from the 60s in denver to the teens or the 80s in dallas to below freezing, this could get ugly, which is why we need to check with chad myers in the weather center. >> i saw the temperature in denver today get to 57 at the airport. >> wow. >> the morning low coming up tomorrow morning will be 0. after that, the next morning low will be 6 below 0. we're swinging this 60 or 70 degrees in some spots here and a lot of snow with that. when you have moisture, warm and
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cold things always break and that's what we're getting now. there is the traffic now from city, my favorite website in denver. that's not moving fast. snow is coming down. i-70 west of denver, shut down. so many crashes out there. the interstate was done for awhile. they cleared that out. near the eisenhower tunnel things are getting better but i watched pictures on colorado dot and it's completely still snow covered. this is not a piece of cake. all commercial vehicles essentially through colorado have to have chains on the tires at this point. a foot of snow in duluth expected, minneapolis, as well. not quite a foot but close and at least two feet in the mountains to the west of denver. this is a good thing for the people in colorado. they love to go play in the snow. what you don't want to see is highs for tomorrow in the teens or the 30s and then all of a sudden 15, because what will break here, anderson, this isn't on the map. i'll draw it. there is going to be a system that lines up here thursday
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morning and friday and there's going to be a bunch of snow right through here, probably a foot or more and then somewhere along this line, i don't know where yet because there is still 7 two hours before this happens, a major ice storm will develop at that 32 degree mark that will try to rain, be 31 or 32 and that's not going to work out. >> all right. chad, appreciate the update. let me know what you think. tweet us using hash tag "ac 360." next, grim report card when it comes to the education your kids may be getting here in the united states. when you see how poorly american students do compared to the rest of the world in a new test, you might have tough questions for educators. new details in the "fast and furious crash" the car in question, 600 horses, incredibly quick reflexes and potentially deadly if pushed too far. people don't have to think about
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tonight a real wakeup call if you think your kids are getting the best education they can. it's four years after president obama says what is at stake is nothing less than the american dream and george w. bush warned about the soft bigotry and reynold regan said it's eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity. a global exam given to 15-year-old s showing them average in science and reading and below average in math. there were little or no gains in the last decade while other countries raced ahead of the united states. here to talk about it amanda riply author of the smartest kids in the world and how they got that way. this latest study is one of a continuing string of stud sdis that shows the u.s. educational
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system lacking behind the rest of the world. it doesn't seem like the u.s. is getting worse, just the rest of the world getting better. >> that's exactly right, arou anders anderson. this is very revealing. it shows we're walking around in one of those people movers going nowhere, the rest of the world, very many countries are on escalators. what this shows is it's not so much we've been doing anything differently but in a context everybody is playing to win, we are falling behind and we look at the difference between us and countries like south korea and singapore and it's widening and the gap between us and countries like poland is widening. >> amanda, you look at vietnam and has child poverty, they have done really well. what are we doing wrong, and whether what are they doing right. >> it was shocking to see vietnam appear in this test at the top of the rangings, you know, up there with finland and
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canada and poland significant levels of poverty and problems. >> and they aren't spending as much on education in a lot of cases as people in the united states is. >> right, we spend more than four countries in the world and those are not for the most part on the top ten list. it is not just a matter of spending. it is not just a matter of goodwi goodwill. it is not a matter of how much testing you do or how many students you have. it seems to get how have these small number of countries managed to inject a level of rigger through and through in their system, not just with teachers but also with their parents and their students? >> freed, what do you see the united states could do better or not do well enough? >> at one level we're not playing to win. there is not a real national focus that drives down to the states that we really are falling behind. lots of people believe we're not and we're number one and do
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things great. the first thing is these countries, almost all of them their kids go to school longer. they have much longer school days. they have much longer school years. i did back of the envelope calculations. a kid in south korea by the time he is 18 has spent almost two years more in high school. you do more, you do something for longer, whether music lessons, whether sports, academics you're going to be better at it. >> amanda, do you agree with it? >> it's complicated. on one hand i think that's true in many countries, they are spending more time in school. on the other hand, other countries spend the same time in school like finland. american teenagers do more hours of homework than some students in some countries. what matter most is not quantity but quality. they are being asked to do work that maybe doesn't make them think much for themselves and i can see that mirrors in these results where the kinds of math problems that american problems
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are doing well on are basic problems that require them to deliver the result, and the kinds of problems they are really struggling with compared to peers around the world involve thinking, taking a real world problem like say figuring out the tip at a restaurant and turning it into math mat kill thinking. those things we know are valuable in the economy today, higher order skills are being neglected in the u.s. >> right, that seems particularly scary. >> anderson, what is most scary about it along those lines, until about ten years ago, one consolation was the very best american students did pretty well. we ranked, the best kids in mastz ma massachusetts with were singapore and korea. our best students are not up there with shang high, south korea. >> does this have to do with funding in the united states?
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>> up simple difference if you look at these other countries, particularly the good ones, they spend more on poor kids, disadvantage on the theory they need the most help. our system, as you know, is funded by property taxes. we do the opposite. we tend to spend lots of money on suburbs and spent less money in inner city harlem and places like that and those kids, those disadvantaged kids never have a chance to catch up. >> amanda, what's the take away? >> it's true with what reed is saying. we should put much more attention on raising the bar who studies teaching in college and how rigorous the training is, and i think the fact that 45 states have agreed on a set of common core standards which are more rigorous, if we can keep pushing through all the controversy around this and get to a good place, that's a huge step in the right direction.
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>> fascinating, thank you. >> thank you. if you want to find out more, go to any time. just ahead, possible new clues in the investigation in the fiery crash that killed paul walker and how powerful the car he was riding in actually is. a cold case cracks wide open a college professor is killed in the revenge killing of her rapist 20 years later. she says she's being victimized all over again. [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy. ge is revolutionizing power. supercharging turbines with advanced hardware and innovative software. using data predictively to help power entire cities. so the turbines of today... will power us all... into the future. ♪
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i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. answers could be coming soon to the crash that killed paul walker.
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we may soon know whether walker or his friend was behind the wheel for the porsche gt that crash into a light pole and went in flames. surveillance video show as tree falling over and the fire doesn't start for a minute or so according to this video. when it does, it burns with a furry burning the occupants beyond resignation. they were car buffs and racing dem mates. the cabrera gt was the closest to one you can get and be street legal. it has real power and a hair trigger. kim joins us now. >> reporter: anderson, this is sort of assignment i am talking about, if you look at this vehicle, look very closely. this is a 2005 porsche cabrera gt, extremely rare. this cost $450,000, only about 1300 of them0,000, only about 1300 of them exist on the road, some made in 2004. this was in 2005.
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very difficult for us to find, track down a driver and we got a very rare opportunity to give it a spin. riding in a porsche cabrera gt is visral. so low to the ground. exhilarated and car sick. it's like flying on the road and terrifying but strangely fun. so we're going out for a bit of a joyride. i'm the lucky passenger in michael's porsche. he's an attorney by day, armature driver by night, one of the few owners of the 1300 cabrera gts made. >> it's 0 to 100 in under seven seconds. the steering is so tight and
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responsive. there is nothing like it in terms of road feel. >> reporter: at top speed 208 miles per hour. the super car has been souped up from 612 horsepower to 660. is it easy to do something stupid? >> you know, it is because it's just having so much power under your foot things can happen. there can be a loss of control. >> reporter: he doesn't know what happened in actor paul walker's car crash but being the owner of the exact same vehicle, he guesses maybe this, a cold car, cold tires, not racetrack conditions, a super car pushed too hard. in some respects are you afraid of this car? >> yeah, you really have to be with this car with all the power it has. you have to be reserved and restrain yourself. i mean, it's like kind of taming a wild animal and so, if you were taming a wild animal, you would be afraid of it. you have to be afraid of it to
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really be safe in the car. >> reporter: now, as far as what all of these owners are thinking about what might have happened, a lot of it is speculation but being one of these air owners, they have rare insight. they believe because he left the charity event and the crash happened such a short time later, it may have been a super car on a cold road, cold tires, and simply may have not been in the right conditions. but again, the investigation still underway. still trying to figure out exactly what caused this crash. anderson? >> appreciate the reporting, thanks. there is more happening tonight. rosa floor rest has the bull din. >> anderson, kicking off a three-week pr offensive. president obama insisted the sweeping health care law is working and asked supporters to spread the word about benefits of the affordable care act. >> we may never satisfy the laws of opponents.
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that is fair to say. some are rooting for it to fail. that's not my opinion, by the way, they say it pretty explicitly. some convinced themselves the law has failed regardless of the evidence, but i would advice them to check with the people who are here today. and the people they represent all across the country whose lives have been changed for the better by the affordable care act. >> north korea's leader is believed to have sacked his powerful uncle shown here on the left from the top level government post while two ally haves been publicly executed according to south korean lawmakers briefed by south koreakore korea's intel again see. french prosecutors investigating bob dillon on suspicion of insighting hay
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friday. a group representing crow asians for comments he made. dillon is accused on likening the crowuation people. one of princess dianna's most memorable dresses sold at auction in south london for a whopping $140,000. the buyer is reportedly an overseas museum. dianna made high-profile appearances in the dress. anderson, i wanted to debut the dress on your show but out of my budget. >> thanks very much. up next, a college professor arrested and accused of murdering her alleged rapist two decades after it happened. is she a victim or a cold-blooded killer? see the story and decide for yourself. a video of a rescue at sea, a man found in an air pocket in a submerged boat 90 feet below the surface of the water. he had been there three days when he was rescued alive. and ah,
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welcome back. in crime and punishment tonight a college professor is behind
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bars in the connection of the murder of her alleged rapist. before her arrest she taught at a swiss university and live in france with her husband and young daughter. how did she end up in jail later? it's full of twists and turns ef here is stephanie. >> reporter: this is not where 39-year-old norma patricia esparza, handcuffed facing charges for what prosecutors say her role in murder. a phd that worked with the world health organization and who was a psychology professor in geneva. but prosecutors say she played a part in the revenge killing of a man she says raped her in 1995, a murder she says she knew nothing about. she says she was home from college when she met ramirez in a nightclub. the next morning he invited her to breakfast and she met him
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bringing along a sister and another girlfriend. he offered to drive her back to college where she says he raped her in her dorm room. she was 20 at the time and never went to police about the rape but told a nurse at the school who she says gave her a contraceptive but didn't advice her to go to police and she also told another person, a man that wanted back in her life, her ex-boyfriend giana. police believe van conspired with three others to kill ramirez. she says van took her to a bar in search of him and that's when the murder plan was put into motion. a spokesperson for esparza and her family. >> she refused to iech him but when her rapist walked by she had an involuntary flinch. she was afraid for her life at the time, after the fact and has stayed quiet about that as a
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result on her fear. >> reporter: ramirez was spotted in santa anna, rear-ended and lured to an auto body shop here a few miles away. he was brutally beaten, hacked on the back of the heat with a meat cleaver. esparza said his wiech was brought to see ramirez and he was still alive. >> she was taken to a transmission shop and asked to go up the stairs to a loft where she was made to confront the man who had raped her who was bloodied but talking. >> reporter: his body was dumped on a street. van and two others pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial. the other suspect died in a police shootout last year. she said she had no part in planning the murder and didn't know until weeks later ramirez was killed. she was warned by the suspect who killed him said she would be
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brutalized if she told anybody. >> i knew these people were dangerous and i needed to stay quiet and withdraw and come out alive. >> reporter: in a strange twist, she married van. she said it was a sham of a march rig to keep her from testifying against him in this case. she married him out of fear for herself and her family. after nine years she divorced van and married her current husband. >> she came to us in november 2012. offered us information that she knew about the case. at the time she did so, she was offered no promises. in fact, she was told that she wouldn't get off scott free. >> reporter: after turning down a plea deal to give her three years in prison, she's in jail without bond charged with one felony account of circumstance murder. >> what they are asking me to plea guilty for is nothing i can accept because it would be a lie.
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>> after being, you know, charged with special circumstances murder, she was out on bail for 11 months with her passport. this is not someone the da was considering a threat, i think, because they know that she didn't participate in this crime. she was a victim in this crime. >> ms. esparza is not a victim on this case. she's a co-defendant on this case and culpable for the murder on this case. >> reporter: the prosecution says this was never a case about rape. >> the victim on this case never was afforded the same courtesy that ms. esparza is going to get. he'll never get the benefit of a police investigation. he'll never get the benefit of a jury trial. let's dig deeper with sonny hosten and danny s. she saw a guy hit in the head with a meat clever, talked to him, never reported it and married the guy, stayed married to the guy that did that for
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nine years. >> that's the problem a lot of jurors will have. was she a victim? she raped? if so, did she go back to this bar and point him out? that will be the crucial factor. she said she had an involuntary flench. if she pointed him out and pasht of the gang that conspired to kill him for the rape in revenge, i think a jury will find her responsible. but i got to tell you i'm so conflicted because i prosecute sex crimes and violence against woman and i know women can be revictimized over and over again. she's saying i was a victim. i was sexually molested by my dad and revictimized by this man that killed my rapist and i had nothing to do with it. that is really the profile of a victim, and it's not so out of the norm. >> danny, in 1995 she was contacted by authorities about the murder and said she didn't know about about it. the fact she lied to authorities then, how damaging is that for
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her defense? >> well, look, if she was part of that conspiracy, which has to be proven, and there was an on going conspiracy to conceal it, that could be bad for her. but she needs to fight the theory of conspiracy and she needs to cling to two legal concepts like a life raft. one of those is mere presence. if she was merely present and didn't participate at all, she could avoid liability. the other thing that could shock people is we don't have a general duty the report crimes, like murder, merely because we know they happened. she needs to cling to those. practically a jury might have trouble believing if the prosecution can come up with additional evidence. if she was merely present and reluctantly so, she may have a legal argument there. >> danny, if you're witness to a crime that's become mitten comme was witness to the alleged rapist chopped up in the head
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and still talking, she was aware a crime had become mitted against him and didn't do anything about it, that's legal? >> absolutely. as long is there's no special duty. as long as it's not your child and you're a lifeguard at a pool. if it's a stranger on the street, there is no obligation, legal obligation to call 911 when we see a crime. it simply doesn't exist unless there is some special duty. so she needs to cling to that, and really drive that home because even though she was aware of it, if she did not and that's a big if, if there is no evidence other than she was merely present and she didn't participate in concealing or hiding the crime with the intent to be in that conspiracy, then she has got a shot at avoiding liability. the bottom line is will a jury find this credible? >> sunny, what do you think? >> yeah, i think danny is dead on. it's whether or not she conspired with this boyfriend and pointed him out and said, i
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want him dead. i am angry about this rape. >> the boyfriend who she then married for nine years. >> for nine years, and jurors, i think usually do the right thing. i think jurors, anderson, have a real-life perspective when they are hearing this kind of stuff, and when those facts come in and she's, you know, telling them well, i was afraid and that's why i married someone and stayed married for nine years and i had an involuntarily flench and i didn't point them out, they knew this was the guy that rained me, that doesn't make sense and jurors may reject those facts. >> thanks very much. appreciate it. a lot more to report tonight, an extraordinary survival story. new video shows the moment aman is found alive 90 feet under the water. he had been there for three days living in an air pocket in a boat that sunk. he was the sole survivor. how he beat the odds ahead. americans take care of business.
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the wreckage of a tug boat beneath the atlantic ocean. in the cold, mirky waters of the atlantic ocean divers are in a recovery mission. >> if you walk you'll come to a corner. >> okay, no problem. have you got it? >> there's a corner. >> all right. go around the corner. sorry, it's quite difficult for me on here trying to explain. >> unable to see more than a few inches in front of them, the dive team is guided through the capsized boat but someone above the water looking for the 12 crew memberers that went down with it. it's been three days and they are all presumed to be dead. >> remember, you're walking on the ceiling? it's going to be above you. is that -- what have you got there? that's stairs, yeah? >> that's stairs. >> you found it? >> yeah. >> you're going to be going up
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there, is that right? >> yeah, i'm going up. >> correct, you're in the right place. now you're going onto the main deck. >> suddenly, out of the bloom, a hand. >> all right. so you should be walking on the ceiling, yeah? >> yeah. >> okay. what -- >> what's that? okay. you found one, yeah? >> there is someone -- >> he's alive. >> he's alive. keep him there. keep him there. all right. just -- >> just -- >> hold him there, okay? keep him there. [ bleep ]. i don't know what to do. keep him there and keep him calm. >> his name is harrison and when the boat capsized he found an air pocket. for three days he was living off one can of soda. the crewworks to get the survivor out safely. >> we'll take you in the water and we're going to take you to the bell. okay? then we're going to bring your home, okay? all right. >> but not before trying to ease the mood. >> what is your rank?
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>> i'm the cook. >> you're the cook? >> they are nearly 90 feet deep so they are concerned about the pressure so slowly they begin the journey to the surface. >> put your head under water and breathe comfortably okay? >> i'll try to. >> how is that? are you all right harrison? are you comfortable? >> hang your head. bring him home. >> unbelievable. this happened off the coast of niger nigeria. the water was not only deep but fridge kid gold. the rescue itself was not a walk in the park. joining me former navy seal brandon webb. brandon, how surprised were you to hear someone could stay alive in an air bubble like this for three days under water? >> it's a surprising story. i think it has to be some sort
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of record to survive three atmospher atmospheres, over 100 feet down for three days with a bottle of coke is just an incredible story of survival. >> you've been involved obviously in diving rescue missions. it was supposed to be a dead body recovery effort. in terms of what it does to a body to be -- to a person to be that deep for so long, what happens? >> he's in a very small air pocket and, you know, if you think like a volume of air, that air slowly is becoming more and more unbreathable. so the fact that just the psychological stress he would have been under living three days not knowing really what happened, other than that boat had sunk i think is an incredible testament to his own personal will to survive. >> then to get him back up to the surface, they have to be concerned about, what is it nitrogen in his lungs and about decompression? >> yeah, when you're breathing compressed air for that long
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period of time, the nitrogen builds up in your blood stream. to be able to get him to put on that diving helmet and essentially, i'm assuming, this guy has never dove before in his life and to coach him and have him remain calm enough to put that helmet on, exit the boat, enter into a decompression chamber under water and essentially decompression chamber allows enough time for his blood, oxygen levels and blood stream to return to normal so he can go to the surface is just incredible story all around. >> and for him to have remained calm when he was all by himself in the dark for three days, basically in 100 feet of water, if he had panicked he would have been consuming more oxygen and making it a shorter amount of time to stay there. >> absolutely. i'm not sure what the total volume of air he had but it had to have been getting to the
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point where it was becoming unbreathable and if he was panicking, you're absolutely right, you would be using up more of that breathable airplane as time goes on. >> i understand you grew up in and around tug boats. is there anything specific about the condition of tugs that formed this pocket and helped him survive or is this pocket of air something that could form in any boat that sinks? >> i think the pocket of air could form in any particular boat, but this boat was a larger tug boat. the fact that he was just in the right place at the right time. i mean, it wasn't a situation that i know of where he was under water completely and swam to a pocket of air. he was just in the right place at the right time and, you know, incredibly lucky. >> obviously, these rescue divers were experienced. i would freak out if i'm expecting to find bodies and find somebody alive, it seemed that hand come out of there,
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that would have -- that's like a horror movie. >> i know. i watched the video. it would have been giving them quite a startle. >> fascinating stuff. thank you so much. appreciate talking to you. >> thanks, anderson. coming up next -- incredible -- pope francis admits to a career you might not believe. we'll be right bacincredible -- we'll be right bacwe'll be righ. every day we're working to be an even better company -
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and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. awe know the value of ix your education is where it can take you. (now arriving city hospital.)
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which is why we're proud to help connect our students with leading employers across the nation. (next stop financial center.) let's get to work.
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quick check of other headlines, we'll check back with rosa flores. >> a 360 follow, an airplane passenger suspected of having tuberculosis was tested negative. he was taken off a plane in phoenix last friday and other passengers were adviceed to contact doctors. there say massive world war ii submarine. the i 400 was essentially an under water aircraft carrier that could hold threefolding wing planes. it was scuttled to keep out of the hands of the soviets. pope francis reveals he was once a bouncer at a nightclub and he swept floors and ran tests at a chemical lab. anderson, my confession i used to sell teeth whitener, imagine that? >> excuse me? ? >> i used to sell teeth whitener.
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>> okay. >> i'll share the sec rents later. >> thank you very much, rosa, thanks. with the breaking news at the top of the hour, we ran out of time for "the ridiculist." that does it for 360. see you an hour from now for "ac 360" later. check out the web cast at 360 doesn't come and that time of the year, go to to vote for your favorite ridiculous of 2013 we'll count them as the year draws to a close. "piers morgan live" starts now. this is a "piers morgan live" losing it, america's fat obsessi obsession. tonight the weight of the nation bursting at the seems and estimated 19 million americans are now obese. it's taking a heavy toll on lives and health costs. what who is to blame and who to be done? the answers and solutions that should work. in